Sunday, August 26, 2007

Letter to my employer

To Whom It May Concern:

This company’s so-called “system” is in an irreparable state.
The how and when of this atrocity’s collapse needs to be
Replacement of our current system with foreign methodologies
will only become a determent to the process and speed its inevitable demise.

I place no specific blame on those whose ignorance may have
caused this lack of design, and no amount of meetings and complaining amongst
the IS department will be anything but counter-productive towards the goal of
replacing this system.

In order to save this company, one of two things must occur:

1)Ignore the problems. Let the existing system remain and work with it as long as
possible and wait for all things to grind to a halt. Then move on to step 2.

2) Shut down the plant for a given period, and design a new system from scratch.
Decide on a single, standardized, and strictly enforced
set of processes and methodologies, construct a new system around it, and
“re-boot” the plant with this new system.

Neither of these options sounds in any way conceivable to
anyone with a business-oriented mind, but I honesty think that the former will
occur if nothing is done.

I realize that hearing something like this from someone in
my position may even be considered “crossing the line,” but you must believe
that I only have the best interest of the company in mind.

I could provide you with several examples to prove the above
claims, and even if you were to refuse all possibility of such a dramatic
change, I still want you to be aware of what I believe to be the inevitable.

I want this company to succeed just as much as anyone, and I
believe that in order for that to happen, I must express my fears and concerns
now. If you would like to meet in private about these concerns, I would be more
than happy to elaborate on what I have stated here.


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